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- numpy import random def affine_encrypt(text="Hello", a=17, b=20): a = int(a) b = int(b) ans = "" for i in text: if(i.isupper()): temp = chr((a*(ord(i)-65)+b) % 26+65) ans = ans+temp elif(i.islower()): temp = chr((a*(ord(i)-97)+b) % 26+97) ans = ans+temp else: ans = ans+i return ans def affine_decrypt(txt, a=17, b=20): a = int(a) b = int(b) ans = "" for i in txt: if(i.isupper()): temp = chr((pow(a, -1, 26)*(ord(i)-65-b)) % 26+65) ans = ans+temp elif(i.islower()): temp = chr((pow(a, -1, 26)*(ord(i)-97-b)) % 26+97) ans = ans+temp else: ans = ans+i return ans def caesar_encrypt(x="Hello", key=4): key = int(key) y = "" for i in x: if(i.isupper()): y = y+chr((ord(i)+key-65) % 26+65) elif(i.islower()): y = y+chr((ord(i)+key-97) % 26+97) else: y = y+i return y def caesar_decrypt(x, key=4): key = int(key) y = "" for i in x: if(i.isupper()): y = y+chr((ord(i)+26-key-65) % 26+65) elif(i.islower()): y = y+chr((ord(i)+26-key-97) % 26+97) else: y = y+i return y def columnar_encrypt(text="Hello", key="hack"): key = str(key) temp_key = list(key.strip()) temp_key.sort() temp_key = "".join(temp_key) d = [] for i in range(len(temp_key)): d.append(key.index(temp_key[i])) ans = "" c = 0 l = [] if(len(text) <= len(key)): return text for i in range(len(text)//len(key)): temp = [] for j in range(len(key)): temp.append(text[c]) c = c+1 l.append(temp) if(len(text) % len(key) > 0): tp = list(text[(len(text)//len(key))*len(key):].strip()) l.append(tp+[0]*(len(key)-len(tp))) for i in range(len(d)): tmp = "" for j in range(len(l)): if(l[j][d[i]]): tmp = tmp+l[j][d[i]] ans = ans+tmp return ans def columnar_decrypt(text, key="hack"): key = str(key) temp_key = list(key.strip()) temp_key.sort() temp_key = "".join(temp_key) d = [] for i in range(len(temp_key)): d.append(temp_key.index(key[i])) ans = "" c = 0 l = [] if(len(text) <= len(key)): return text tmp = [] for i in range(len(text) % len(key)): tmp.append(d[i]) n = len(text)//len(key) f = len(text)//len(key) for i in range(len(d)): temp = [] if i in tmp: n = (len(text)//len(key))+1 f = n else: n = len(text)//len(key) for k in range(n): temp.append(text[c]) c = c+1 l.append(temp) li = [] for i in d: li.append(l[i]) for i in range(f): for j in range(len(li)): try: ans = ans+li[j][i] except: continue return ans def otp_encrypt(text="Hello", key="XMCKL"): ans = "" for i in range(len(text)): if(text[i].isalpha() and text[i].isupper()): ans = ans + \ chr((((ord(text[i])-65)+(ord(key[i].upper())-65)) % 26)+65) elif(text[i].isalpha() and text[i].islower()): ans = ans + \ chr(((((ord(text[i])-97)+(ord(key[i].lower())-97))) % 26)+97) else: ans = ans+text[i] return ans def otp_decrypt(text="Eqnvz", key="XMCKL"): ans = "" for i in range(len(text)): if(text[i].isalpha() and text[i].isupper()): ans = ans + \ chr(((((ord(text[i])-65)-(ord(key[i].upper())-65))) % 26)+65) elif(text[i].isalpha() and text[i].islower()): ans = ans + \ chr(((((ord(text[i])-97)-(ord(key[i].lower())-97))) % 26)+97) else: ans = ans+text[i] return ans def find_me(l, a): x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 for i in l: try: y = i.index(a) x = z z = z+1 break except: z = z+1 continue return (x, y) def cleaner(s): i = 0 s = list(s.strip()) while i < len(s): if (ord(s[i]) < ord('A') or ord(s[i]) > ord('Z') and ord(s[i]) < ord('a') or ord(s[i]) > ord('z')): del s[i] i -= 1 i += 1 return "".join(s).upper().replace("J", "I") def lets_pair(a): groups = [] for i in range(0, len(a), 2): temp = [] temp2 = [] try: if(a[i] != a[i+1]): temp.append(a[i]) temp.append(a[i+1]) else: temp.append(a[i]) temp.append("X") if(i+2 < len(a)): temp2.append(a[i+1]) temp2.append(a[i+2]) else: temp2.append(a[i+1]) temp2.append("Z") except: temp.append(a[i]) temp.append("Z") groups.append(temp) if(len(temp2) > 0): groups.append(temp2) return groups def box_it(b): b = b.upper() l = [["o" for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)] b = list(b.strip()) temp = [] for i in b: if i not in temp: temp.append(i) b = "".join(temp) z = len(b) c = 0 x = 0 temp = [chr(i) for i in range(65, 91)] temp.remove("J") for i in b: if i in temp: temp.remove(i) if "J" in b: b = b.replace("J", "I") for i in range(5): for j in range(5): if(c < z): l[i][j] = b[c] else: l[i][j] = temp[x] x = x+1 c = c+1 return l def play_fair_encrypt(x="Hello", y="key"): enc = "" l = [] x = cleaner(x) z = lets_pair(x) box = box_it(y) for i in z: pi, pj = find_me(box, i[0]) qi, qj = find_me(box, i[1]) if pj == qj: l.append(box[(pi+1) % 5][pj]+box[(qi+1) % 5][qj]) enc = enc+l[-1] elif pi == qi: l.append(box[pi][(pj+1) % 5]+box[qi][(qj+1) % 5]) enc = enc+l[-1] else: l.append(box[pi][qj]+box[qi][pj]) enc = enc+l[-1] return enc def play_fair_decrypt(x, y="key"): denc = "" l = [] x = cleaner(x) z = lets_pair(x) box = box_it(y) for i in z: pi, pj = find_me(box, i[0]) qi, qj = find_me(box, i[1]) if pj == qj: l.append(box[(pi-1) % 5][pj]+box[(qi-1) % 5][qj]) denc = denc+l[-1] elif pi == qi: l.append(box[pi][(pj-1) % 5]+box[qi][(qj-1) % 5]) denc = denc+l[-1] else: l.append(box[pi][qj]+box[qi][pj]) denc = denc+l[-1] return denc def Rail_Fence_encrypt(text="Hello", rails=3): rails = int(rails) l = len(text) mat = [["^" for i in range(l)] for j in range(rails)] i, j = 0, 0 c = False for k in text: if(i == 0 or i == rails-1): c = not c mat[i][j] = k j = j+1 if(c): i = i+1 else: i = i-1 ans = "" for i in mat: ans = ans+"".join(i) ans = ans.replace("^", "") return ans def Rail_Fence_decrypt(cipher, key=3): key = int(key) ans = "" l = [['^' for i in range(len(cipher))] for j in range(key)] z = 0 m = 0 while(z < key): i, j = 0, 0 c = False for k in range(len(cipher)): if(i == 0 or i == key-1): c = not c if(z == i): l[i][j] = cipher[m] m = m+1 j = j+1 if(c): i = i+1 else: i = i-1 z = z+1 i, j = 0, 0 c = False for k in cipher: if(i == 0 or i == key-1): c = not c ans = ans+l[i][j] j = j+1 if(c): i = i+1 else: i = i-1 return ans an = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] rn = ['J', 'R', 'V', 'P', 'Z', 'Q', 'O', 'X', 'B', 'I', 'G', 'H', 'E', 'Y', 'L', 'U', 'K', 'S', 'M', 'D', 'T', 'C', 'F', 'N', 'W', 'A'] am = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] rm = ['n', 'o', 'x', 'i', 'w', 'z', 'r', 'f', 'p', 'b', 'g', 'd', 'm', 's', 'e', 'v', 'q', 't', 'h', 'u', 'k', 'j', 'y', 'c', 'a', 'l'] e = dict(zip(an, rn)) d = dict(zip(am, rm)) ie = {v: k for k, v in e.items()} ids = {v: k for k, v in d.items()} def substitution_encrypt(text="Hello"): ans = "" for i in text: if(i.isalpha() and i.isupper()): ans = ans+e[i] elif(i.isalpha() and i.islower()): ans = ans+d[i] else: ans = ans+i return ans def substitution_decrypt(cipher): ans = "" for i in cipher: if(i.isalpha() and i.isupper()): ans = ans+ie[i] elif(i.isalpha() and i.islower()): ans = ans+ids[i] else: ans = ans+i return ans def vigenere_encrypt(plaintext="Hello", key="leg"): key = str(key) key = key.replace(" ", "") p = len(plaintext) k = len(key) if len(plaintext) != len(key): q = p//k key = key*(q) + key[:p % k] ans = [] for i in range(p): if(plaintext[i].isalpha() and plaintext[i].isupper()): ans.append(chr((ord(plaintext[i])+ord(key[i])-65) % 26 + 65)) elif(plaintext[i].isalpha() and plaintext[i].islower()): ans.append(chr((ord(plaintext[i])+ord(key[i])-97) % 26 + 97)) else: ans.append(plaintext[i]) return "".join(ans) def vigenere_decrypt(ciphertext, key="leg"): key = str(key) key = key.replace(" ", "") p = len(ciphertext) k = len(key) if len(ciphertext) != len(key): q = p//k key = key*(q) + key[:p % k] ans = [] for i in range(p): if(ciphertext[i].isalpha() and ciphertext[i].isupper()): ans.append(chr((ord(ciphertext[i])-ord(key[i])-65+26) % 26 + 65)) elif(ciphertext[i].isalpha() and ciphertext[i].islower()): ans.append(chr((ord(ciphertext[i])-ord(key[i])-97+26) % 26 + 97)) else: ans.append(ciphertext[i]) return "".join(ans) import js def affine(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") a_value=Element("affineaInput").value a_ovalue=Element("affineaoutput").value b_value=Element("affinebInput").value b_ovalue=Element("affineboutput").value if((a_value=="13") or (int(a_ovalue)<0) or (int(a_ovalue)>25) or (int(b_ovalue)<0) or (int(b_ovalue)>25)): encrypted_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") output_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") else: enc=affine_encrypt(input_txt.value,a_value,b_value) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=affine_decrypt(enc,a_value,b_value) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") a_value=Element("affineaInput").value a_ovalue=Element("affineaoutput").value b_value=Element("affinebInput").value b_ovalue=Element("affineboutput").value if((a_value=="13") or (int(a_ovalue)<0) or (int(a_ovalue)>25) or (int(b_ovalue)<0) or (int(b_ovalue)>25)): output_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") else: dec=affine_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,a_value,b_value) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def caesar(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") a_value=Element("caesaraInput").value a_ovalue=Element("caesaraoutput").value if((int(a_ovalue)<0) or (int(a_ovalue)>25)): encrypted_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") output_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") else: enc=caesar_encrypt(input_txt.value,a_value) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=caesar_decrypt(enc,a_value) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") a_value=Element("caesaraInput").value a_ovalue=Element("caesaraoutput").value if((int(a_ovalue)<0) or (int(a_ovalue)>25)): output_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") else: dec=caesar_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,a_value) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def columnar(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") key_text=Element("columnar_key").value enc=columnar_encrypt(input_txt.value,key_text) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=columnar_decrypt(enc,key_text) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") key_text=Element("columnar_key").value dec=columnar_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,key_text) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def substitution(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") enc=substitution_encrypt(input_txt.value) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=substitution_decrypt(enc) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") dec=substitution_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def otp(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") its_key=Element("otp_key") if(len(input_txt.value)!=len(its_key.value)): encrypted_txt.write("Length Of the Input and Key Should be Same..!!") output_txt.write("Length Of the Input and Key Should be Same..!!") else: enc=otp_encrypt(input_txt.value,its_key.value) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=otp_decrypt(enc,its_key.value) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") its_key=Element("otp_key") if(len(encrypted_txt.value)!=len(its_key.value)): output_txt.write("Length Of the Input and Key Should be Same..!!") else: dec=otp_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,its_key.value) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def play_fair(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") key_text=Element("play_fair_key").value enc=play_fair_encrypt(input_txt.value,key_text) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=play_fair_decrypt(enc,key_text) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") key_text=Element("play_fair_key").value dec=play_fair_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,key_text) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def Rail_Fence(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") keyit=Element("Rail_FenceInput").value keyout=Element("Rail_Fenceoutput").value if(int(keyout)<0): encrypted_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") output_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") else: enc=Rail_Fence_encrypt(input_txt.value,keyit) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=Rail_Fence_decrypt(enc,keyit) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") keyit=Element("Rail_FenceInput").value keyout=Element("Rail_Fenceoutput").value if(int(keyout)<0): output_txt.write("Invalid Value Input...!!!") else: dec=Rail_Fence_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,keyit) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“") def vigenere(*args, **kwargs): try: if(int(js.call_fun())==2): input_txt=Element("input-text") encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text") output_txt=Element("output-text") keytxt=Element("vigenere_key").value enc=vigenere_encrypt(input_txt.value,keytxt) encrypted_txt.write(enc) dec=vigenere_decrypt(enc,keytxt) output_txt.write(dec) else: encrypted_txt=Element("encrypted-text2") output_txt=Element("output-text2") keytxt=Element("vigenere_key").value dec=vigenere_decrypt(encrypted_txt.value,keytxt) output_txt.write(dec) except Exception as e: js.js_alert("āŒ Oprational Error...!!! šŸ˜²\nšŸ‘€ Error Description :- šŸ”° "+str(e)+" ā—ā—ā— šŸ™„"+"\n\nšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ Error Report Issued To The Team Successfully āœ”\nšŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ Our Team Will Look Into Issue soon...šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“")